Pony Weeklies: Pony NYC in Jan., last classes of 2024!
I found the love / Help me ease my troubled mind
Hey Ponies!
How are you! It’s the last week of class in 2024 for Pony Sweat!! This year we danced in new LA locations - thank you Pieter and Pickle Factory - brought back the wonderful Jaquita as an additional teacher, threw an epic 10 year Monster Birthday Mash party, filmed a music video for a Pony’s band (Scrunchies!), mourned the death of Richard Simmons, did Pony Sweat in San Francisco during Pride weekend (needs to become a tradition…), taught Pony Sweat in Philly corresponding with Night of 1000 Kates, Pony Sweat in NYC, started a weekly Exercising and Listening to Records online class for subscribers, and MORE! Ok busy! THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the Ponies who supported and connected with Pony Sweat’s programming this year! We can only keep doing this because y’all show up for class, join our OOOBNA subscription, and tell your friends about Pony Sweat. Let’s go, 2025!!
Thank you ponies for donating to the warm clothes and blankets drive!!! We brought bags of good stuff to pony Lizzy C. at the food service that she organizes almost every Saturday at Gladys Park in Downtown LA with Food Not Bombs! Also thank you to Lizzy and FNB for partnering with us and doing what you do with such dedication! <3 <3 <3

Ponies, this just in…Emilia is going to New York City in January!!! She’s teaching two classes hosted by Museum of Art and Design in Manhattan. Classes will be Fri. Jan. 17th in the evening (funnnn!) and Sat. Jan. 18th in the afternoon (lovely!)! Don’t miss this average once yearly opportunity to do live Pony in NYC!!!!!! Let your NY friends know!
We only have TWO MORE PONY SWEAT CLASSES in 2025!!! Join us tonight 7PM and Saturday 2:45PM for two last dances with the December mixtape!
I’ve heard the song “A quién la importa” before but I didn’t know anything about Alaska or the queer cultural significance of the song until I found this inspiring Latino USA interview with her from 2018, it gives a good synapse of the history of the song and Alaska! And if you want click even further, Vanity Fair in Spain also have this post about “A quien la importa” en español and many posts about Alaska! - Michella in her OOOBNA newsletter
Also, the December mixtape video is now available for your streaming pleasure!! Enjoy it over Winter Break!!!
Ok, thanks Ponies!! Adore ya! Have a great rest of your week!!! See ya tonight at class!