Hey Ponies!!
I hope you’re having a good week <3 We had our monthly team meeting yesterday and on the top of the agenda is PONY PROM, which is quickly approaching! We started ideating this event a few months ago and now it’s almost here…!! Sat. March 1 in the evening at Pieter! So excited.
We are making a heartfelt request — if you are planning to come to Pony Prom (which we hope u are!), please buy a ticket this week!! This really helps with our planning/budgeting. This is a not-for-profit event for Pony Sweat, ALL ticket proceeds go towards offsetting the following costs:
Pieter space rental
paying the iconic Ponies Unwed band
renting glassware
hiring a professional lighting person
buying decorations to ~transform~ the space and create a photobooth
buying mocktails ingredients (thank you Optimist Botanicals for helping offset this cost by generously donating NA spirits, and thanks to Pony Alexis F. for making the connection!!!)
We are super proud of our special events and we throw them because we LOVE to see Ponies come together, have fun, dance, and be in an affirming (supportive, suggestive) environment. These events only happens 1-2x a year (the next one will be around Halloween!), don’t miss out!!
Please enjoy this *Prom inspo* from Ponies Past Selves and feel free to send me yours (also doesn’t have to be Prom, but any fabulous party outfit from the past!) ~~ Jen, Veronica, Malia, and Lisaida!!!!

Also, if you’d like to donate to the Pony Prom raffle, please reach out! We have gift certificates to Casita del Campo, a Cure record, Pony Pass(es), and more. ALL raffle $$ proceeds are going to orgs we believe in (details next week!). xoxoxo!!
We have in-person class tonight (7PM) and class + livestream this Saturday at 2:45PM PT!!! Jaquita will be leading her February mixtape for both!! Please join us for some sweaty fun, whether you’re with us in the studio in LA or across time and space (& projected on the studio walls!!)! Can’t wait to dance with you. Jaq’s mixtapes includes Joy Division, J.Lo, Robyn, Lisa, U2, Anita Baker, and MORE!!! <3
Emilia is doing her Aural Aerobics Across Time + Space show on Dublab today!!! 4-5PM PT! RADIO AEROBICS!! THIS IS THE BTS ENERGY:
Trans lives / trans futures matter and should be protected forever and ever and ever and EVER, PERIOD!!!!!!!
Pony Liv is organizing this vigil </3 —
Thanks, Ponies!! We love you!